This week we come back with another Hair Timelines! This time, we're discussing the hair-volution of none other than Mon Mothma herself! While not as dramatic as the hair transformations of Saw Gerrera or Sabine Wren, it's still something that I was very interested in taking a look at.
22-19 BBY: The Clone Wars/Revenge of the Sith
In The Clone Wars and her deleted scenes from Revenge of the Sith, Mothma sports her classic short hair look. It's a hairstyle clearly modeled after her original hairdo in Return of the Jedi. In Revenge of the Sith we see it styled more slicked back with a headpiece, but the length is the same.
5 BBY: Andor Season 1
We see that by the time Andor rolls around, she's grown out her hair a little bit. It's still pretty short, but long enough that she can style it multiple ways and there is definitely more length in the back.
2 BBY-4 ABY: Rebels/Rogue One/Return of the Jedi
Only a short time later, however, she returns to a shorter hair style much more similar to what we see her with in The Clone Wars. We see her with this hair style in Rebels, Rogue One, and her original appearance in Return of the Jedi. I'm sure will see it in some form by the end of Andor season 2 as well.
9 ABY: Ahsoka Season 1
Though in Ahsoka, it seems that she's taken to growing her hair out since their victory over the Empire. It seems to be about the same length (perhaps even a little longer) than it was in Andor, and personally I think she looks amazing!
Ultimately, Mon Mothma seems to be going back and forth between two different hair styles, and honestly- I'm here for it!