With the recent release of the Andor season 2 trailer, there is undoubtedly a lot to look forward to. I'm hesitant to make wishlists or predictions for this show, because if you had asked what I wanted out of it before season 1 came out, I would not have described the season we got- yet Andor season 1 is my favorite live action Star Wars series. But it's still fun to speculate, so I thought I'd share a few things I would like to (but certainly don't have to) see in Andor's second and final season.
Krennic vs Meero

The trailer shows off the return of Ben Mendelsohn as Orson Krennic, though how much of him is in the show and what he does is yet to be seen. I am excited to see such a great character come back in the first place, but what I'd especially like to see is him face off with Denise Gough's Dedra Meero in one (or more) ISB meetings. The two characters are both sharp and passionate, but Krennic's loud temper versus Meero's quiet, seething and more calculated rage would make a for a deliciously entertaining showdown, should the two disagree. I am all in for more Imperial drama this season, and from these two especially!
Cassian as Fulcrum

This season will show Cassian Andor growing into his role as a true believer and revolutionary- that much is clear. There's also a good chance we'll see him do some of the dirtier work he alludes to in Rogue One. But what I would really like to see is Cassian take on the Fulcrum codename, as we know he did from the Rogue One visual dictionaries. Now I don't just say this because I love Ahsoka Tano and Rebels- though that's certainly part of it. But Fulcrum agents like the other two we know, Ahsoka and Kallus, take on roles as key informants and organizers of the Rebellion. In Ahsoka's case, they also act as pseudo-mentors to newer Rebel cells. I would love to see Cassian assume that role, especially to see how far he's come since the beginning of the series.
Bix Strikes Back

Bix Caleen really went through it in season 1 of Andor, especially in the latter half of the show. The trailer seems to show her joining the fight against the Empire, and that is something I am very, very excited to see from her. She was certainly no stranger to breaking Imperial laws even from the beginning of season 1, but to see her character evolve into someone who takes the fight right to them and rises up for the sake of the galaxy will be really inspiring, especially when she was literally locked away from joining the Ferrix uprising with characters like Brasso.
Bail Organa

Finally, my biggest wish is one that I've had since season 1 ended. I hesitate to bring this one up too much, because I think the focus on original characters was a strength of the first season of Andor. But the return of Jimmy Smits' Bail Organa is something I think could provide a lot to the show. Not only is Bail a fantastic character instrumental to the founding of the Rebellion, but the first season set him up to be a perfect counterweight for Mon Mothma's arc. While Mon Mothma has to move in secret with a spouse and daughter both against her, Bail Organa is in quite literally the opposite situation. His wife founds the rebellion with him, and when Leia is old enough, she joins too. We know Bail and Mon are friends, and I think working with someone who has the support of their family while Mon Mothma is alone in her own home could really push her character further out of her comfort zone.

What are you hoping to see in season 2 of Andor? Let us know in the comments here or on social media!